Her World aims to break the barrier and empower women to unleash their potential.

Single-room accomodation
for Her
These women, whoever will come to us, they all would have lost their self…

An educated women is an empowered woman
Help us to provide the required education to women and kids. Our organization…

Best protection for a women is little money of her own
Our emplyoment cell is dedicated find suitable employment opportunities…

Legal Assitance
For women who needs to fight back with her demons on legal terms
Our legal cell is dedicated to ensuring that their fight is being well-fought…

Medical Assitance
Medical assistance for the victims and their kids
Our team of medical professionals is available on-site to provide regular…

Mental Wellbeing
Fostering Mental Well-being Can Transform One's Life
Our mental well-being facility is made to provide a safe and supportive…
A hard question in a woman’s life — ‘Where is Her Home ?'
I realised, how important it is for a woman to be earning and own a house because,
in our society, the given house is always a barrier to her freedom !!
I realised, how important it is for a woman to be earning and own a house because, in our society, the given house is always a barrier to her freedom !!
Founded by Neha Sahu, a domestic violence survivor. She say “I being such a strong headed girl since childhood, doing things my way, educated, earning well, settled in mumbai, yet, when I fell into this trap of marriage, and it felt like a black hole to me, from where it seemed impossible to move out. If it could be the darkest period of my life for me, then I understand a huge population of women are living with this undeniable pain. Because when I looked up around me, I found every other house has a similar story”.
Why ‘SHE’ choses to be silent and not take actions ?
HER WORLD - Breaking the Barriors
If she choses to leave, where will She go ?
Single room for each one of them, for her to understand the importance of having her own space. With decent standard of living, where women from every race and class can come and take shelter.
Who will look after the kids and their education ?
We find a secure and suitable jobs basis of her skills abd education, that provides financial stability to her.
Who will take care of
expenses ?
We provide free of cost education to women and their kids. Ensuring kid’s physical and mental well being alongwith.
Fear of being blamed for
abuse ?
we provide free of cost legal assitance ensuring that ‘her’ fight is being well-fought, medical assitence for her physical being to be strong, and meditation sessions to foster her mental well being.
Our drive to empower women
"Domestic violence is deeply rooted in our society, and has been for generations. We often consider it a normal aspect of our domestic culture, which is why society remains silent. Growing up, I witnessed this violence all around me, and I wondered if this was how women should live. Would I be subjected to this treatment too - being thrashed, ignored, and silenced? I knew the answer was no. Later on, my own personal experiences reinforced my determination to change this narrative and create a better society for women, one where they can feel empowered and free to live in their own world - Her World."
Neha Sahu | Founder 
"With time, I have come to understand that in our society, the majority of households are led by men, with only about 10% being led by women. In my own family, my mother was the leader, while in my sisters family, the men are the leaders. At first, I thought that either gender could be the leader, but then I realised no, it has to the ‘US’ and not any one.
Even an educated man like me can be ignorant of this malice, so it is clear that we need to work on it. This realisation inspired me to take action. I want to create awareness and promote a better society where both men and women are empowered. At the present time, women need that extra effort, which is why we are building Her World”.
Shonit Kishore | Co-Founder Even an educated man like me can be ignorant of this malice, so it is clear that we need to work on it. This realisation inspired me to take action. I want to create awareness and promote a better society where both men and women are empowered. At the present time, women need that extra effort, which is why we are building Her World”.

We are a Sustainability-driven organization and believe in Evidence-based practice and policy. We are committed to creating an impact on the ground by co-creating scalable solutions and designing evidence-based social interventions to tackle the Sustainability challenges of the Global South. We bring stakeholders together, conduct research, provide knowledge support to civil society organizations, design and execute programs, advice on social interventions, and learn from each other to make the planet a better place to live.
Let’s Reimagine the Stakeholder's Engagement to bring Science and practice together for Sustainability
Kavita Pandey | Knowledge Partner, Let’s Reimagine the Stakeholder's Engagement to bring Science and practice together for Sustainability
Co-Founder & Executive Director

Stories of Resilience
Stories that keep us motivated in bringing small but important change, every single day.

Neha Sahu
Each one of us at any given point of life goes through a fall that leads us to transformations. The path is the same for all of us, yet the journey is different for each one of us.

Urmila Kumari
“I am a fierce warrior and fighter in my life, who has battled through the toughest of times. and now, like a conqueror I am moving towards my dreams.

Shaguffta Pattel
“We may be born with a destiny, but the choice is entirely ours to change it,” concludes this changévangelist for whom the journey has only just begun.