Your abuser is as strong as your silence.

WHY they chose to be silent ?


Fear of being left alone i.e, abandoned by family/society.


Where will they go, if they chose to leave?


Dependency of shelter and financial support.


Responsibilities of kids.


Societal Pressure/ Victim blaming by family & friends.

Why they dont file complaints.

Fear of retribution from their abuser.

Fear of the stigma associated with being a victim of domestic violence.

Belief that they are to blame for the abuse.

Fear of not being believed.

Sense of shame or embarrass-ment.

Concerns about the impact of leaving the relationship on their children or other family members

Financial depend- ence on their abuser

Belief that they should be able to handle the situation on their own.

Why they dont file complaints.

Fear of retribution from their abuser.

Belief that they are to blame for the abuse.

Financial depend- ence on their abuser

Fear of not being believed.

Sense of shame or embarrass-ment.

Belief that they should be able to handle the situation on their own.

Fear of the stigma associated with being a victim of domestic violence.

Concerns about the impact of leaving the relationship on their children or other family members

Number of reported cases.

30,900 mark in 2022

26,513 in 2020-21

The prevalence of domestic violence is around 40%, while reporting is less than 8%.

Does better education, urban privilege decrease violence against women?

There is only a slight difference between domestic violence in rural and urban areas.

Rural 31.6%

In rural areas it is at 31.6%

Urban 24.2%

Urban areas which is slightly less at 24.2%

As per the latest report by The National Family Health Survey (NFHS) “29.3% married Indian women between the ages of 18-49 years have faced domestic violence/or sexual violence.

3.1% of pregnant women have experienced physical violence during any pregnancy.” And that’s just the number of cases reported by women.

Social silence? Nobody knows, sees, or hears.

Domestic violence robs a woman of experiencing the fullness of life, as it takes away their inability to trust and love again. Trauma can take a lifetime to heal and our women deserve better.


We aim to bring a revolution of empowered women who are free to pursue their dreams and passions, and who have the tools and resources they need to succeed.
The organisation is committed to shatter the iceberg of silence and break down the barriors that have held women back for centuries. We envision a world where equality and empowerment are the norm.

"We strive to achieve a sustainable solution, by empowering the mothers of this generation, who will pave the way for a violence-free nation."

- Her World Welfare Foundation

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